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How Can Memory Improve Your Life?

According to Congressman Tim Ryan in his book A Mindful Nation, "When people have higher working memory capacity they can pay better attention, can solve problems more readily, and have more fluid intelligence--they use facts rather than just know them.  Those…


BDNF, Anti-aging Anyone?

BDNF--Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor--is a key growth hormone. It protects the structure and integrity of our neurons, enables our neuroplasticity--that's our ability to create new neural maps, and promotes neurogenesis--our ability to grow new brain cells. So--how do we get…


How Environment Influences DNA

DNA, contrary to the last 50 years of belief, is NOT the director of our gene expression--it's the code. DNA MUST be activated by proteins in order to manifest any gene expression. The cell's effector/receptor proteins are the conductors and…


Taming the Fear Response

Our Amygdala is the cornerstone of our fight-or-flight and fear response.  It keeps us safe in emergencies, action-oriented in crisis, and powerful when we have little reserves.  It also happens to dominate with use and become our filter for the…


Rewire Your Body’s Hard Drive

Science knows now that we can rewire the brain and grow new neuronal maps. Neural maps are the active circuits through which all thought-forms flow.  They are the pathways of mental engagement and creation.  They've found that this happens through…


Mindfulness Changing the Political Brain?

The time has come for politics to recognize the magic of both compassion and neuroplasticity!  "The fact that our brain is always changing means we're not locked in to having the stress superhighway built into our nervous system...The cutting-edge research…


Programming and Rewiring your Brain through Technology

There are many different ways to stimulate brain activity through electrical, mechanical, and frequency manipulation.  Yet, there is a simple and practical way to use the technology at arm's reach to help you calm down your fight-or-flight center and engage…


An Adolescent Approach to the World

The prefrontal cortex is involved with most of our higher order thought functions like patience, goal setting, motivation, empathy, problem solving and much more.  The amygdala is involved in more reactive and quicker responses like fight-or-flight, emotional arousal, and survival…


Our Truths at War

Each of us vacillates between truths battling for attention and dominion: closeness and solitude, autonomy and independence, caregiving and mastery, certainty and uncertainty, and the list goes on.  According to Dr. Daniel Siegel "Mindsight (mindfulness or meditation) permits us to…


We are Figments of Our Own Imagination

According to Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor, Neuroscientist and author of My Stroke of Insight, hard-wired directly into the right hemisphere of our brain is the ability to perceive nirvana, oneness with all beings, unity consciousness, egoless existence, and the miraculous power…

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