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Your Feelings are a Gateway to Profound Healing

In a left-brain society we often value rationale over feelings--trying to logic the away, or stuff the so we can remain productive.  Neurologist Antonio Damasio empahsized that feelings are actually somatic markers.  That their role was to help inform our…


Raising Your Sword to Battle an Illusion

Our nervous system is a miraculous and complex network of information and control mechanisms.  Our SNS (sympathetic nervous system) readies us for action, to mobilize, to activate, charge, fight or flea..among many other things.  Our PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) calms…


Thoughts influence Matter

Dr. David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. note in Power Up Your Brain that Neural networks are created by focused, engaged stimulation. . .the choices you make actually do influence the physical structures, the neural networks, in your brain. 'Experience…


Mindfulness Changing the Political Brain?

The time has come for politics to recognize the magic of both compassion and neuroplasticity!  "The fact that our brain is always changing means we're not locked in to having the stress superhighway built into our nervous system...The cutting-edge research…


Our Truths at War

Each of us vacillates between truths battling for attention and dominion: closeness and solitude, autonomy and independence, caregiving and mastery, certainty and uncertainty, and the list goes on.  According to Dr. Daniel Siegel "Mindsight (mindfulness or meditation) permits us to…


To Fire or Not to Fire, That is the Question

Our neurons are decisive and action oriented.  There's no maybe in their language.  They decide to either fire, or not and there's no in between.  HOW they decide this is a wonderful miracle.  Each neuron has a threshold of stimulation…

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